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Woo Automatic Discount Coupon Scheduler

Woo Automatic Discount Coupon Scheduler - WooCommerce WordPress Plugin
The Woo Automatic Discount Coupon Scheduler plugin for your WooCommerce site allows you to automatically create coupons for your registered customers based on their spending and send them via email. This way, you can easily increase customer loyalty and sales. Reward Your Customers and Boost Sales with Woo Automatic Discount Coupon Scheduler.

  • Easy Setup and Use: The plugin is very easy to set up and use. With just a few clicks, you can activate the plugin and define the rules for coupon creation.
  • Flexible Coupon Creation: You can define different discount rates or fixed amounts for the total spending amounts of your customers in specific time periods (weekly or monthly).
  • Multiple Spending Limits: You can define 3 different spending limits and calculate the discount based on the spending amount that meets the highest amount condition.
  • Automatic Email Sending: The generated coupons are automatically sent to your customers via email.

Benefits of the Plugin:

  • Increases Customer Loyalty: Rewarding your customers for their spending encourages them to shop again and increases customer loyalty.
  • Increases Sales: Attractive discount coupons encourage your customers to shop more, increasing your sales.
  • Saves Time: The plugin automates the coupon creation and sending process, saving you time.

How to generate automatic discount coupons?

How to create automatic discount coupons using a WordPress plugin?
It's easy to reward your customers and increase your sales with the Woo Automatic Discount Coupon Scheduler plugin. Install the plugin on your WooCommerce store now and start using it!

Recurring Coupon Generation Settings

  • Automatic Coupon Generation: If the total payment is equal to or greater than the specified amount, the discount coupon will be applied. Leave blank to disable. Store owners can define multiple spending conditions to trigger automatic generation of discount coupons. This flexibility allows them to incentivize customers based on their spending behavior.
    • — Enabled / Disabled: Automatically generate coupons for registered customers is turned on / off.

  • Calculation time period: By setting the calculation time period to weekly or monthly, store owners can ensure that discounts are regularly offered, enticing customers to make purchases within these time frames.
    • — Weekly: Coupons are calculated and generated on a weekly basis, from Monday 00:00:00 to Sunday 23:59:59.
    • — Monthly: Coupons are calculated and generated on a monthly basis.

  • Next calculate date: The next scheduled date and time for coupon calculation is displayed here.
    • — Next check: The date and time to check that the next scheduled date has been reached is displayed here.

  • Spending Condition:
    • — If the total payment is equal to or greater than the specified amount, the discount coupon will be applied. Leave blank to disable.

  • Discount Coupon:
    • — Percentage: The discount for condition will be in percentage.
    • — Fixed Amount: The discount for condition will be a fixed amount.

Automatic Recurring Coupon Generation Settings

Example of Use:

The plugin allows store owners to define up to three spending conditions, each offering different discount levels. This provides a versatile way to reward customers based on their purchase amounts. Let's say you want to create coupons for your customers' spending on a weekly basis. You can use the plugin to define a rule as follows:

  • Calculation Period:Weekly, Monday 00:00:00 - Sunday 23:59:59
  • Spending Condition 1:100 USD and above
  • Discount Coupon 1:5% discount
  • Spending Condition 2:300 USD and above
  • Discount Coupon 2:10% discount
  • Spending Condition 3:500 USD and above
  • Discount Coupon 3:50 USD fixed discount

According to this rule, customers who spend 100 USD and above in a week will receive a 5% discount coupon, those who spend 300 USD and above will receive a 10% discount coupon, and those who spend 500 USD and above will receive a 50 USD fixed discount coupon. These coupons will be automatically generated and sent to customers via email.

Discount coupons are valid until the next calculation date. Example of recurring produced coupon notification email:

recurring produced discount coupon notification email

For more information, you can request to try the demo presentation of the plugin.


How to create variable product in WooCommerce

For a simple product, the pricing is straightforward and typically involves a single price. Customers are chargedthe same amount regardless of any specific variations or options.

WooCommerce'de Varyasyonlu Ürün Nasıl Oluşturulur
Pricing of a Product with Variations

When it comes to a product with variations, the pricing model becomes more complex. This typically involves offering thesame base product with different options, such as size, color, or features.

Let's consider a simple example of pricing for variants of a product, such as T-shirts:

  • Variant Type: Color

    • Red
    • White

For this example, we can use the tiered pricing approach:

  • Red color T-shirt: $10
  • White color T-shirt: $12

WooCommerce provides a built-in way to add these options to a product page. This system consists of two basic features: 'attributes' and 'variations'.
Attributes in WooCommerce refer to the characteristics of a product that can be used for creating variations.
Variations are the specific combinations of attributes that create different versions of a product.

For this example:
Attribute: Color
Variations: Red, White

A second feature can be added to this product, for example:
Attribute: Size
Variations: Small, Medium, Large

To use variations in WooCommerce, you first need to set attributes.

How to setup variations and create variable product in WooCommerce?

Set up attributes for WooCommerce products

  • In the WordPress dashboard, go to "Products" > "Attributes".
    Type the new "Attribute" name (Example: Color). Click the "Add attribute" button.
    Add WooCommerce product attribute
  • Once you hit the Add attribute button, your new attribute will appear in the menu to the right.
    From there, click on the link that reads "Configure terms" next to the Attribute you’ve just created.
    Configure WooCommerce attribute terms
  • Enter the name of the value that the "Attribute" can take (Example: Red).
    Add all possible values one by one (Example, other colors: White...)
    New WooCommerce Attribute value
  • In this example we created a "Color" for the "Attribute". There are two options for "Color": "Red" and "White".WooCommerce Attribute names and values

Create a variable WooCommerce product

Assign attributes to the product:

  • Go to "Products" > "Add New". Enter data such as the name, category, etc. Scroll down to the "Product data" section.
    Change the "Simple product" drop-down menu value to "Variable product".
    Determine a unique stock code for this variable product and enter it in the "SKU" field.
    Create WooCommerce variable product
  • Click on the "Attributes" tab and select the ones you will use for the product.
    You will see the names previously assigned for "Attributes".
    Assign attributes to the product
  • Select the values that "Attributes" can take.
    Add all at once with "Select All", or manually select one by one.
    Assign attribute values to the product
  • Make sure that "Visible on the product page" and "Used for variations" are checked.
    Click the "Save attributes" button.
    Add and Save product attributes

Add variations to the product

  • Switch to the "Variations" tab.
    "Generate variations" button adds all possible combinations of the added attributes.
    Or add a new variation manually.
    Confirm this notification and continue: Do you want to generate all variations? This will create a new variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes (max 50 per run).
    Generate Woocommerce variations
  • Show collapsed product editing areas.
    Use the "Expand / Close" and "Edit" buttons.
    Show Woocommerce variable product
  • Under each variant, be sure to enter the price and SKU number settings for that variant.
    When you have finished making all changes, click the "Save changes" button.
    Edit Woocommerce variable product
  • Click the "Publish" button.
    Publish the product and see it in the store.
    Sample WooCommerce variable product

One click disable all plugins


Disable all plugins with one click. With this plugin you can add a link to disable all plugins with one click. To deactivate all plugins in the normal way, you visit the "Plugins" page in the administration panel. You must select all plugins with the checkbox at the beginning of the table. Then select the "Deactive" option under "Bulk actions". Press the "Apply" button and all plugins are deactivated.


1. Add the plugin's folder in the WordPress' plugin directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.


Go to left menu: Tolls -> Disable all plugins
Go to Plugins page: 1 click disable all -> Deactivate all


= 1.0.0 =
* Initial version released


CSS chat button - free WhatsApp WP Plugin

CSS chat button - WhatsApp WordPress Plugin
Compact, Simple, Speedy chat button. It allows visitors to contact you via messaging app. Chat with your website visitors through online chat apps. Place a floating button on your site and let people contact you. Lightweight and fast loading for best SEO.
Add the clickable WhatsApp button for chat to your site.

Compact: Less than 5 KB file size, only CSS and HTML
Simple: Very basic settings
Speedy: No Sql query for fast loading

CSS chat button Pro

Coming soon.

CSS chat button Download

CSS chat button - WordPress Plugin


Add the plugin's folder in the WordPress' plugin directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.

Go to Settings -> CSS chat button
Input your contact info
Save settings

Settings page of CSS chat button Settings page of CSS chat button
WhatsApp chat button at bottom right on Twenty Twenty-Three Version: 1.1 WhatsApp chat button floating Twenty Twenty-Three theme
Make it compatible with your theme. Adjust the position and size of the button as you wish.
WhatsApp chat button at bottom left on Woodmart theme version 7.1.4 WhatsApp chat button floating Woodmart theme
WhatsApp chat button at bottom right on Flatsome theme version 3.15.6 WhatsApp chat button floating Flatsome theme
== Changelog ==

= Version 1.0.0 =
* Initial version released

WhatsApp Contact Button, WhatsApp Business chat button

Auto Gallery And Image Sync - WP Plugin

Automatically sync posts WooCommerce Product and media images as featured image and gallery
Automatically sync posts (or WooCommerce Product) and media images as featured image and gallery.

Automatically sync posts and media images as featured image and gallery.

Images with names are given as `ID`:

*   Automatic syncing as featured image to posts 
*   Automatic syncing as featured image to pages 
*   Automatic syncing as featured image to WooCommerce products 
*   Automatic syncing as gallery images to WooCommerce products 

Images named as product `SKU` (Pro):

*   Automatic syncing as featured image to WooCommerce products 
*   Automatic syncing as gallery images to WooCommerce products 

Please comment 💬, rate ⭐ and share 👍
Auto Gallery And Image Sync - WordPress Plugin

1. Go to Tools -> Sync image
2. Select the articles you want to process from the list
3. Select and apply the action.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial version released

Auto Gallery And Image Sync
Automatically sync posts and media images as featured image and gallery.

WordPress User Password Reset

You’ve lost access to your site and you don’t know how to get in again. Normally you can reset your WordPress password in the dashboard or request a new one via email. WordPress stores user passwords in hashed form in the database. You can not find out what saved passwords are. In this post, we’ll walk you through a few quick and easy steps on how to change or reset WordPress password. There are several ways to reset a WordPress dashboard password.

WordPress User Password Reset

If you don't have access to your email or your WordPress site isn't sending emails correctly, then changing the WordPress admin password directly from the database via phpMyAdmin might be the only solution you have.

How to change WordPress password from PhpMyAdmin?

How to Reset WordPress Passwords from cPanel?
  1. Login to the cPanel dashboard of your WordPress hosting account.
  2. Click on the phpMyAdmin icon under the database section.
  3. On the left-hand side, click on the database WordPress is associated with.
  4. Click "wp_users" table located on the left. You can have a table prefix added. In this case, it may be named slightly differently, such as "wp_pre_users".
  5. You will now see the rows in your WordPress users table. Click on the "Edit" button next to the username where you want to change the password.
  6. Select MD5 in the "Function" column, type in your new strong password into the "user_pass" box and click "Go".

How to change WordPress user password via PHP?

How to change WordPress user password with PHP?
1 If you don't have access to your server's database or don't want to write and run a query, you have another solution. If you can access your server via FTP, you can simply change WordPress user passwords.
  1. Download the PHP file to your computer.
    WordPress User Password Reset
  2. Upload the PHP file via FTP to the root directory on your server where WordPress is running.
  3. Open the address by typing the path of the PHP file into the browser. Example:
  4. You will see the database name where WordPress is installed, the database user, the database password, the table prefix, and the table listing all WordPress users.
  5. Click the "Reset" button for the user whose password you want to change. When the page is opened after clicking, the user's password will be reset directly. A new password with random numbers like "AtakanAu_01234567" will be determined.
  6. If you want, press the "Back" button to return to the listing page for another password reset, or press the "Login" button to log in to the WordPress administration panel with the username and new password in the tab that will open.

Create an admin user in WordPress Database via PHP

As a developer, you may need to create a new administrative user in the database to access the site. For example, this is required when exporting a WordPress database, but you are not provided with login credentials for the admin user.

Of course, you can access it through the database. However, many developers are not very comfortable with MySQL and the process is rather slow compared to what I'm going to show you. Here is the easy way to create a new WordPress admin account:

  1. Upload the above PHP file to your server and open it in your browser.
  2. Enter a value for the required "Login" field. You can optionally write "Nicename", "email" and "Display name" parameters.
  3. After clicking the "Create" button, a new administrator account will be created with the username you specified in the "Login" field. A new password with random numbers like "AtakanAu_01234567" will be determined.
WordPress User Password Reset
WordPress User Password Reset

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

Aşağıda adım adım anlatımı yapılan kılavuzda ürünlerin sadece fiyatlarının nasıl güncelleneceği açıklanmıştır. Ürünlerin "Etiket", "İsim", "Açıklama" ve "Stok" gibi diğer bilgilerini de aynı şekilde toplu olarak güncelleyebilirsiniz.

1) Sol dolaşım menüsünden "Ürünler" » "Tüm ürünler" bağlantısını tıklayın. 

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

2) "Dışa aktar" düğmesini tıklayın. 

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

3) "Hangi sütunlar dışarı aktarılmalı?" satırının sağındaki giriş kutusunu tıklayın. Şunları seçin ve ekleyin:
Kimlik, Stok kodu (SKU), Normal fiyat, İndirimli satış fiyatı, İsim

"CSV oluştur" düğmesini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

4) Dosyanın hazırlanmasını bekleyin. Ürün sayısına bağlı olarak bekleme süreniz değişebilir. 

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

5) İndirdiğiniz csv dosyasını OpenOffice Calc yazılımı ile açın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

6) Ekran görüntüsünde görülen ayarlarla dosyayı açın. Kolonların virgillerle ayrılması ve yazı alanlarının çift tırnak içinde olduğunun belirtilmesi önemlidir.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

7) Fiyatları aynı kalacak olan ürünlerin olduğu satırları silmemiz yararlıdır.

Bir satırı silmek için satır numarasını sağ tıklayıp "Delete Rows" seçeneğini tıklayın.

Art arda satırları seçmek için klavyenin "Ctrl" tuşu basılı iken satır numaralarını tıklayarak seçin. Sonra seçili satırlardan birini sağ tıklayıp "Delete Rows" seçeneğini tıklayın.

Alt alta bulunan satırları silmek için bir satır numarasını tıklayıp fareyi sürükleyin. Sonra seçili satırlardan birini sağ tıklayıp "Delete Rows" seçeneğini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

8) Örnek olarak üç ürünün fiyatında değişiklik yapacağız. Hem Normal fiyatı, hem de İndirimli satış fiyatı bir arttıralım. Kesirli sayıları nokta ile ayırmaya dikkat edin. Satır sayınız çok fazla ise "Stok kodu (SKU)" ve "İsim" gibi değişiklik olmayacak sütunları silerseniz içe aktarma işleminiz daha hızlı olacaktır. Satır silme işlemindeki gibi, bir sütunu silmek için sütun ismini sağ tıklayıp "Delete Columns" seçeneğini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

9) OpenOffice Calc menüsünden "File" » "Save As" seçeneğini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

10) "Edit filter settings" seçeneğini tıklayarak seçin ve "Save" düğmesini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

11) Ekran görüntüsündeki ayarları yapın. Karakter setini "Unicode (UTF-8)" yapın. "Quote all text cells" seçeneğini tıklayarak seçin. "Ok" düğmesini tıklayarak dosyayı kaydetme işlemini tamamlayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

12) İsterseniz kaydettiğiniz dosyayı bir yazı düzenleyici yazılım ile açarak denetleyin. Kolon değerleri virgüllerle ayrılmış ve ondalık ayraçları için nokta kullanılmış olmalıdır.

"Stok kodu (SKU)" ve "İsim" sütunlarını silip silmediğinize göre dosya içeriği şuna benzer olacaktır:

"Kimlik","Stok kodu (SKU)","İsim","İndirimli satış fiyatı","Normal fiyat"
3423,"BLKNT-01","Bloknot Baskı",,4
3427,"SAAT-01","Saat Modelleri ve Baskısı",46,51
3434,"KALEM-01","Promosyon Kalem Baskı","2.25","2.5"

"Kimlik","İndirimli satış fiyatı","Normal fiyat"

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

13) Sol dolaşım menüsünden "Ürünler" » "Tüm ürünler" bağlantısını tıklayın. Açılan sayfadaki "İçe aktar" düğmesini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

14) "Bilgisayarınızdan bir CSV dosyası seçiniz:" yazısını veya yanındaki dosya giriş kutusunu tıklayıp kaydettiğiniz csv dosyasını seçin.

"Mevcut ürünleri güncelle" seçeneğini tıklayarak seçili hale getirin. Sadece mevcut ürünlerin verileri güncellenecektir.

"Devam et" düğmesini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

15) "Kimlik","İndirimli satış fiyatı","Normal fiyat" kolonlarının eşleştiğini denetledikten sonra "Aktarıcıyı çalıştır" düğmesini tıklayın.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme

16) İşlemin tamamlanmasını bekleyin. Ürün sayısına bağlı olarak bekleme süreniz değişebilir. Güncelleme tamamlanınca aşağıda gösterildiği gibi güncellenen ürünlerin bilgisini göreceksiniz.

WooCommerce csv dosya ile toplu ürün güncelleme


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