Compare two lists online

Enter your array values into text areas and click to "Compare" button.

If you want to compare arrays online use this small and basic tool.
Check that a line exists in a list.
Find the same or common values between two arrays.
Find the different values between the two series.
Left / First Array Right / Last Array
[ ] [ ]
Left / First Array Results
Values Copy Exist on right

Right / Last Array Results
Values Copy Exist on left
Only Left / First Array Items
Values Copy Total count

Only Right / Last Array Items
Values Copy Total count
Intersection of two arrays A ∩ B Copy

Union of two arrays A ∪ B Copy

Symmetrical Difference A △ B Copy
compare two arrays online ,array diff online ,array difference online ,diff list online ,javascript compare online ,comparing two list ,diff two lists online ,list diff intersection, difference, and union


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